Friday, December 6, 2013

Merit Badge Midway

Tomorrow is the Merit Badge Midway. At this, you can get merit badges. The two I chose are computer skills and scouting heritage. We are leaving at 6:25 in the morning from the scout building, and it starts at 8:30 and goes until 4:15.

There are a lot of different badges people can get. Some of my troop are working on engineering, reading, metalwork, and citizenship. We have to earn lots of different badges in Boy Scouts. They all teach us stuff.


At Cub Scouts we used to do a Pinewood Derby. We build wood cars and race them. After each race, you get to fix your car if it broke. One year, a kid's wheel came off and it was hilarious.

Every year I get third when I race. I was surprised my first year when I got third, because I am usually last in competitions. Last year I made a car that was a red toboggan-looking car. It was fun and tough to build a car. I liked using the power sander on my car. I painted it red. This year I did not put stickers on my car, but I have put them on cars before.

Camping at Cayuna

My favorite part of Boy Scouts is camping. At Camp Cayuna, we had to do things to get the first aid badge, firem chip, and the whittling chip. In 2013, there was a rare choice of doing the nuclear science badge. The person who did this was also the person in charge of the camp.

The firem chip is what lets you light fires while you are at Boy Scouts. The whittling chip is so you are able to use a knife that can lock up. I earned both of them.

At Cayuna, there is a fox trail that every group at the camp can go to. We had to use our scouting knowledge to complete challenges, and had to guess who a fake "witch" was. This year, it was Bryan. He was working at the camp for eight weeks while all the other troops come. At the end of the challenges, our troop won two awards; the tomahawk throw, and we found the most counselors-in-training on the last night we were there.

Thursday, December 5, 2013

Scouting Poem

This is my Boy Scout poem. I wrote it as an assignment in school.


In Scouts, I like hiking,
My friends enjoy biking.

We cook over a fire
And watch the flames get higher.

When we go to camp,
We make sure to bring a lamp.

I’ve shot a bow and a gun.
There are lots of ways to have fun.

Wednesday, December 4, 2013

Welcome to My Boy Scout Blog!

Hello. My name is Thomas. I am 12 years old, and I have been a Scout since I was in first grade. The reason I am writing this blog is so I can earn a computer merit badge in Boy Scouts. I have a merit badge midway coming up this Saturday, so I have a lot to do.

In Scouts, lots of weekends we go camping. In the summer, we do a five day camp to Cayuna. My favorite part is kayaking. I also love that you can go fishing, and I bought a fishing pole, a mini foot rest, and lots of candy at a store inside Camp Cayuna. We are selling wreaths as a fundraiser so we can go camping more. We sold out all the wreaths right away.

At our meeting last Tuesday, we took a quiz that was talking, not writing. The quiz was on the history of Boy Scouts and knotting. My patrol got second place out of the four patrols, although there was a tie for third between two patrols.