Friday, December 6, 2013

Camping at Cayuna

My favorite part of Boy Scouts is camping. At Camp Cayuna, we had to do things to get the first aid badge, firem chip, and the whittling chip. In 2013, there was a rare choice of doing the nuclear science badge. The person who did this was also the person in charge of the camp.

The firem chip is what lets you light fires while you are at Boy Scouts. The whittling chip is so you are able to use a knife that can lock up. I earned both of them.

At Cayuna, there is a fox trail that every group at the camp can go to. We had to use our scouting knowledge to complete challenges, and had to guess who a fake "witch" was. This year, it was Bryan. He was working at the camp for eight weeks while all the other troops come. At the end of the challenges, our troop won two awards; the tomahawk throw, and we found the most counselors-in-training on the last night we were there.

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